Hi there. Here’s is Artem. CEO of 2meetup. I recently realized that I’ve never blogged about our product’s integration with messengers. And this is one of the good reasons to start using 2meetup, if for some reason you still haven’t switched to it from Calendly 😏. Because 2meetup is like Calendly with Telegram. And with …
Best Practices
8 Essential Qualities for a Flourishing Coach-Client Relationship
For a partnership to truly flourish, certain qualities must be nurtured and maintained. Here are the eight coach qualities that ensure a successful coaching relationship. 1. Active Listening It’s not enough just to hear your client; you need to actively listen. This involves fully concentrating, understanding, and responding to what your client is expressing. It’s …
Elevate Your Coaching Success with Effective Meeting Reminders
In the realm of coaching and therapy, the bond between the coach or therapist and the client is one built on trust, understanding, and commitment. Whether you’re a life coach helping clients to navigate their personal challenges or a psychologist diving deep into the complexities of the human mind, ensuring that your clients remain engaged …
8 Effective Strategies to Attract Consulting Clients and Boost Your Coaching Business
As a consultant or a coach, standing out from the competition and attracting the right clients are essential for the growth of your coaching business. To achieve this, you need to understand what makes you and your consulting business unique. Embracing your individuality, skill set, and knowledge will set you apart in the market. In …
Meeting reminders in the form of personal WhatsApp and Telegram messages
We have always worked to improve the user experience: And recently we’ve figured out how to make these reminders even cooler! Send messages on your behalf and with your text Now you can connect your Premium plan, go to notification settings and connect your personal messenger accounts. Then 2meetup will not send reminders on behalf …
How can you improve your personal effectiveness with an online enrollment service?
Are you ready to become a true professional in your work? Do you want to make every second of your work time so effective that your success shines brighter than the sun? Introducing 2meetup.in, an online scheduling service that will revolutionize the way you work. We created it to help you automate repetitive tasks and …
Interactive Tools for Effective Meetings: Unleash the Potential of Participant Engagement!
In today’s business landscape, organizing effective meetings is crucial for success. As technology continues to advance rapidly, interactive tools have become an integral part of such meetings, enabling active participant engagement, idea exchange, and achieving better outcomes. In this article, we will explore several practical ideas on how to utilize interactive tools in your meetings. …
How to make online meetings more effectively: 10 proven tips
Online meetings have become a part of our daily lives. They allow us to stay connected with colleagues and partners from anywhere in the world. But how can we make these meetings more effective? In this article, we present 10 tips that will help you conduct online meetings with ease and achieve better results. We …
Digital Workplace Essentials to Optimize Workflows
What are the digital workplace essentials, and how can they help streamline your business? Employee retention is now a top priority as it is the base for all corporate goals. Organizations that successfully retain their valued employees understand that digital-native employees expect greater flexibility to do work from everywhere. Luckily, technology has advanced to the …
7 reasons to schedule meetings in 2meetup
Hello! I’m Artem, the CEO and founder of 2meetup. You have once made an appointment through my service ☺️ If you ever need to invite someone to a meeting, create a Zoom link and remind your invitee of it, try 2meetup. Believe me, whoever invited you didn’t choose us for nothing. We have: And the …